The idea of getting new window shutters for a home can be a very exciting time for any homeowner. Not only will it benefit individuals at the moment, but it is also a good investment for your home in general. Choosing to get window shutters for a home is a lot easier than choosing between the different types of window shutters. Tampa residents can make things a lot easier on themselves by becoming familiar with some different types of shutters to choose from. Some of these shutter designs are highly specific and may only be used in certain situations, while other designs are much more versatile and can be used in many ways.
Window Shutters can be Interior or Exterior
The first decision that someone has to make when deciding to get window shutters for their home is whether they would prefer to have them on the inside or outside their home. When window shutters were first made, they were exclusively made for the outside of a home, but this is not as popular because modern shutters on the inside of a home last much longer. When it comes to interior window shutters, Tampa residents should be made aware that unless specified otherwise, these are the type of shutters a professional will direct them to if they say they are interested in getting window shutters for their home.
Understanding Plantation Shutters
Because so many people are interested in getting window shutters for their home, it is not uncommon for homeowners to not know specifically what type of shutter they want. Most people are first exposed to window shutters through commercial advertisements, and usually only one type of shutter is used in these commercials. When it comes to advertisements for window shutters, Tampa residents should be let known that the shutters they are interested in getting are known as plantation shutters. Plantation shutters are the large shutters that wrap around a window sill in typically a bifold configuration. They have large controllable louvers that can be adjusted to allow in the preferred amount of sunlight and visibility of a home.
*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Simply Shutters*